Personnel Committee – Agenda – 13 April 2023
03 – Minutes – 19 May 2022 – Personnel Committee
Personnel Committee – Agenda – 13 April 2023
03 – Minutes – 19 May 2022 – Personnel Committee
Council Summons – 11 November 2021
Regulation 15(5) of the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014 (as amended) requires that by 30 September 2021, Llangyfelach Community Council publish its accounting statements for the year ended 31 March 2021 together with any certificate, opinion, or report issued, given or made by the Auditor General.
The accounting statements in the form of an annual return have been published on the Council’s website. However, the accounts are published before the conclusion of the audit. Due to the impact of COVID-19, the Auditor General has not yet issued an audit opinion.
Council Summons – 10 June 2021
Finance Committee – Agenda – 10 December 2020
03 – Budget Monitoring 2020-2021 + Draft Budget 2021-2022
Deadline: Friday 01 March 2019
Engagement between Llangyfelach Community Council and the Internal Auditor
Llangyfelach Community Council is seeking to obtain the services of an Internal Auditor (IA) for a three year period covering the financial years 2018/19 to 2020/21*
The Community Council will allow necessary access to information from officers and members as appropriate to ensure the completeness of the audit.
1. To fully complete the annual internal audit and check the financial controls and regulations have been followed:
An audit plan to be completed in accordance with the Practitioners Guide for Wales (2011 as amended) Chapter 8 Internal Audit Appendix 3- Guidance for Internal Audit and Appendix 4 – An Approach to Internal Audit Testing
2. Audit planning scope and timing:
The internal audit is to be completed by the 31 May each year and covers the financial year ending 31 March. The Council’s RFO will provide the IA with all the necessary documentation as soon as practical after the 31 March.
The IA will carry out all relevant checks as stated in the Practitioners Guide.
The scope of the audit will cover, but will not be limited to:
3. Reporting requirements
The internal auditor will complete the relevant section of the Annual Return and if applicable provide a written report and recommendations to Lllangyfelach Community Council.
4. Access to information, members and officers
The IA will be provided with a cash book, cheque books, paying in book, a risk assessment for the current year, asset register, employee salary, council minutes, electronic copy of council minutes to evidence setting of the precept, budget, bank statements, VAT Records, PAYE records.
The Council does not own any property & the council’s total income is the Precept on Swansea City Council which for the past three years has been £24,000.
5. To provide advice and guidance to the Clerk/RFO as and when required
Applicants to submit an electronic written application by Friday 01 March 2019; outlining
Telephone interviews to be conducted by the Clerk week commencing 4 March 2019. The Clerk will contact you to arrange a mutually convenient date and time.
The appointment of the IA will be discussed at the Council meeting on the 14 March 2019.
For any further information regarding the post, please contact the Clerk:
Mobile 07790 359739 (Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm)
Applications to be sent for the attention of the Clerk (Mr D. Jenkins) to:
*The Council reserves the right to terminate the contract after Year 1.